bram: universe; chaat: sauce

I worked for months to make this website happen for my parents.

My mom always wanted her own e-commerce website, and once I got the know-how to build websites, I took it on myself to learn how to build her one.

I doubted myself a lot as I undertook the task, but I kept going as if nothing would stop me.

My mom really is the frontrunner of this project, and it’s her passion to make real.

She didn’t have much to tell me, even then, in terms of what she wanted from everything.

She just knew she wanted some topics to write about, that she was interested in selling things she would get from India, and that she wanted me to continue to help her once the site was done.

So I just used my instinct and went based on what I know of my relationship with my mom to figure out what I could understand she would like.

All too much work went into this, but I’m grateful because my parents are retired and they have something they can work with. This is also my first website outside my personal one that I’ve made and I hosted on DigitalOcean (now my personal site is on DigitalOcean too!).

I can honestly say I’m proud of myself for this one.

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